Wellness Center About Us Services

Active Life & Sports Wellness


FACT: Physical therapists are interested in the health and wellness of individuals.

Physical therapist can help to prevent injuries, help you learn how to control your weight, avoid health problems before they develop, and advise you on how to exercise properly.

6 Daily Health and Wellness Tips – Create A Healthier Lifestyle!

  1. Drink Water! Water is a key role in your wellness. Drinking the recommended amount does SO much for your body’s system!
  2. Listen to your Body – Make sure to listen to your body and what it is telling you. Don’t try to push yourself beyond what you are capable of; make sure to work towards goals in steps versus jumping the gun.
  3. Enjoy your Exercise Plan – Whether you join an activity, a sport, or the gym, becoming a part of something that you enjoy makes exercise less of a chore and more of a hobby.
  4. Watch your meal portion sizes – instead of setting yourself up for failure with “crash” dieting, choose to watch your meal portion size and the time of day that you are eating.
  5. Warm up! Wake your muscles up! Don’t ever underestimate the importance of warming up before physical activity. Warming up allows your muscles to prepare for the endurance that is about to come and allows proper blood flow throughout your body.
  6. Post Work-out Cool Down – Post work-out cool downs are essential, because they gradually take your heart rate down. In no way do you want to go from a high heart rate, to no movement at all- it confuses your body and in extreme cases can cause individuals to pass out.

ZumbaThe Latin-inspired, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning, dance fitness-party™. Feel the music and let loose.

Classes are held at:

Perry Hall Square Shopping Center
Inside Active Life & Sports Physical Therapy
4337 Ebenezer Road
Perry Hall, MD 21236

$5 per class – pay as you go!

Download Our Flyer

Class Schedule
Tuesday 7:00-8:00 pm (Kelly)
Thursday 7:00-8:00 pm (Kelly)
Saturday 10:30-11:30 am (Kelly)

For class details, contact one our licensed Zumba instructors:
Kelly Alban
(410) 900-9906 (KA)

* Minimum recommended age: 10 years old.
** Participants under the age of 18 must have a parent’s or guardian’s signature.


Wellness Center About Us Services